Handy Bar Soap Hacks to Make Life Around the House Easier

11. Fix Stubborn Drawers

Source: Pinterest

If your drawers are hard to open and close, this quick tip is a remedy. You just need some soap. Just rub the soap where the drawer sticks, along the edge, on the tracks, or anywhere the friction occurs. The soap serves as a natural lubricant enabling the drawer to glide open without it getting stuck. This is a simple and affordable way to repair sticky drawers without any bulky tools and repair job

12. Keep Nails Clean

Source: Pinterest

Wash your hands with a wet bar of soap before performing any dirty work, to spread a film over your nails. It will help avoid dirt getting trapped beneath them.

13. Eliminate Sweat Stains

Source: Pinterest

The next time you spill water on your clothes, rub a wet bar of soap directly onto the stain before throwing them in the wash to get rid of sweat stains. Allow the soap to remain for approximately an hour, which will assist in stain removal.

14. Freshen Up Your Car

Source: Pinterest

If you want to eliminate bad smells in your car, put a bar of soap inside. Packing a good-smelling soap in a Ziploc bag to avoid the soap getting all of the other stuff.

15. Mark Fabric When Sewing

Source: Pinterest

Use a soap bar to mark your sewing patterns if you are out of fabric chalk. Works like chalk and is non-permanent.

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