Handy Bar Soap Hacks to Make Life Around the House Easier
21. Loosen a Stiff Lock

If you have a lock that is stiff there is a trick of rubbing a bar of soap on your key and then insert it into the lock. This will lubricate the mechanism and make it less stiff to turn.
22. Remove Grease Stains

It can be used for stain removal just like any regular soap… for example, rub a grease stain with a stick soap bar with a stiff bristle brush and wash. This technique can help dislodge those difficult grease patches.
All these soap hacks are super useful, but more than that they help you save money and reduce waste. Why spend hundreds on fancy-ass lubes and clunky contraptions when a damn bar of soap can do magic around the house? Soap is an instant fix for stuck drawers, as well as a great, non-toxic option for those tricky areas where you need to lighten the friction. In addition, this is a product that most households already have in stock; So, so it is a more environmentally friendly product that helps to reduce unnecessary purchases. So go on; try out these hacks and help your day-to-day tasks flow a little smoother, a little easier, and a whole lot cheaper with a simple bar of soap!